Management Quality


Each staff commits to be self-sufficient to achieve an accurate designated quality.


We believe that management staff needs to have leadership ability to retain corporate quality. Understanding and encouraging social contribution.


Overall performance and process of quality management are unneglectable. Based on these two factors, we conduct the principle of quality management and self-development without swerving.

Creation and Unity of Knowledge

Modern society is expressed as “the society of knowledge capitalism”. Self-strength of a corporation is formed by interaction of corporate individuals. The individuals self-develop an enrichment of knowledge as interacting each other. The resulting compilation of knowledges is a powerful resource of corporate strength.

Time and Speed

Time saving is a very important factor for finalizing decision making after the course of implementation for a purpose and intention. Speed could be a force.


Our goal is to build a mutual relationship based on the synergy effect with  partners and associates in various stances.

Unity of Environment Conservation and Society

We would like to, first of all, establish a corporate principle which is acceptable and contributable for the society. Then it is desirable to bear self-appealing orientation and function. Based on this principle, sustainable life within the boundary of environment and society coexisting is expected. Furthermore, it is essential to retain a fairness about an organizational norm for an index of judgement standard. One is expected to have fair point of view and overcome self-interest for a decision making.

Information Related Management

 A fact, reality, and event in front of one is the least information. A society holds number of people-wise and places-wise facts. Therefore, one’s own and anyone else’s events interact to form facts of whole society that influences the individual. Then the way of gathering and filtering own information and, facts and events occurring somewhere else will become important. This is because one’s nature of perception will influence a judgment. We would like to pursue an active management to utilize high standard of filtering and interpreting information.


We would like to be aspired by a global business activity which accepts the modern structure of society based on the interaction of corporations, locations, industries, countries, and cultures.